Strengthen the financial foundation and governance of the School.
The iconic statue that stands in front of Centennial Hall reminds the community that we stand on the shoulders of giants. St. Mark’s thrives today because of the forethought and dedication of generations of leaders beginning with Menter B. Terrill in 1906. Those visionary leaders established the School’s strong foundation, which affords today’s Marksmen the opportunity for an exceptional educational experience.

The Path to Manhood statue also symbolizes our obligation to provide care and continued excellence to future Marksmen. Each year, parents, alumni, Trustees, and friends dedicate their time, talent, and resources, often to benefit Marksmen and others whom they will never know. The entire community shares the responsibility for ensuring that St. Mark’s continues to thrive for generations to come.

To achieve this goal, we will...

List of 2 items.

  • A. Grow the School’s assets and resources while continuing to support the School’s existing and future programmatic, personnel, and facility needs.

    1. Continue to manage the School’s endowment with a view to maintaining the real purchasing power of the Endowment Fund with a reasonable level of risk. 
    2. Continue to strive to have the St. Mark’s Fund support at least ten percent of the School’s annual operating budget. 
    3. Emphasize operational efficiency and effectiveness, while maintaining the School’s commitment to excellence. 
    4. Significantly increase planned giving as part of the School’s advancement program.
  • B. In order to achieve the goals described herein, organize, launch, and complete a successful capital campaign to grow the School’s endowment by at least fifty percent above current levels.

    1. Define a comprehensive list of needs to address programmatic goals and opportunities.
    2. Maximize the impact of philanthropy by engaging a broader group of donors across the St. Mark’s community.

List of 2 items.

  • C. Expand parent and alumni engagement programs.

    1. Expand communication to parents, alumni, donors, and other friends of the School.
    2. Expand engagement opportunities that strengthen affiliations with St. Mark’s.
  • D. Maximize the effectiveness of the Board of Trustees.

    1. Increase the involvement of Trustees in a broader range of activities, including long-term planning.
    2. Expand orientation programs designed to integrate and prepare new Trustees.
    3. Review governance practices, with specific attention to meeting schedules, discussion format, service terms, and leadership succession.

About Goals for St. Mark's IV

Goals for St. Mark’s IV is the fourth statement of strategic goals for St. Mark’s School of Texas. Goals IV was adopted by the School’s Board of Trustees on January 10, 2017, and it replaces Goals for St. Mark’s III, which guided the School for more than a decade.